Freedom, Fears, and Confections

photo © Thomas Raven

photo © Thomas Raven


As we get closer to the big day, it’s hard not to feel the loss of some of our traditional Halloween activities. Most of us are doing our best to keep our chins up and get through this season with substitute activities for the children. After all, no matter how much we adults enjoy Halloween night, the truth is that it’s the one holiday that truly belongs to kids.

If you ask yourself why Halloween is so great, you’ll most certainly answer that it was because of the Halloween experiences you had as a child. I grew up in simpler times when trick or treating was a given and didn’t always require adult supervision. We knew most of our neighbors so even my over-protective mother turned us loose on Halloween night. The mix of freedom, fears, and confections was a heady one and one that pulls at my heart to this day.

If you have children in your life, do something that makes this a holiday to remember. Don’t just have supervised activities with the family. Give them some freedom to run and be free and face their own fears in the great big, spooky world that is Halloween.